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Human Rights Filmfestival this human world, 29.11.2018 to 10.12.2018, different times and locations.
For further program information click here.

December 01, 02.2018 Film screening in the human rights film festival, this human world Public presentation of the Arts Rights Justice Austria platform.
Silvana (Director Mika Gustafson, Olivia Kastebring, Chistina Tsiobanelis/ Documentary SWE 2017, 95 min.) She is loud and provocative. A cinematic portrait of Swedish rap icon Silvana Imam. A film about how she learns to mediate between public and private life, that provocation is important and failure is right, and that authenticity is the key component in this process. (EL)
Followed by a discussion with director Olivia Kastebring, moderation Djamila Grandits, Sa. 01.12.2018, 7:00 pm, in Brunnenpassage.

City of Ghosts (Director: Matthew Heineman | Documentary USA 2017 | 93min.)
“Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently“ is the name of a group of Syrian journalists who risk their own lives uncovering and documenting the human rights crimes committed by ISIS. Most of the photos of executions and cruelty we are familiar with, were made by them. Some have fled, although in exile they are still not safe. The film is a moving documentary of a battle, for which fighters are paying an enormously high price. (JW)
Followed by discussion with Hussam Eesa (Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently), Rubina Möhring (Journalists without borders), Michel Reimon (Member of the European Parliament)
Moderation: Jelena Gučanin, Sun. 02.12.2018, 7:00 pm, Brunnenpassage

Solo theater performance and round table discussion; „Ein Staatenloser“ (Stateless) September 28, 2018, Weltmuseum Wien, Violence and censorship rule in Iran, in Austria hopes are for freedom and democracy. Alireza Daryanavard’s life story unfolds between the two. „Ein Staatenloser“ illustrates how censhorship forces an artist to flee. Text, installation, music and a video diary of Alireza’s flight. (Actor, director Alireza Daryanavard studied in Iran and lives in Austria since 2014.) There was an after performance discussion „Theater und Flucht“ (Theater and flight). In cooperation with Werk-X Petersplatz, UNHCR, Weltmuseum Wien and Brunnenpassage

Film screening of „Elsie Slonim – My First Hundred Years“, June 6, 2018, Brunnenpassage, (Film by Chris Haderer, Robert Pöcksteiner & Alfred Woschitz, 52 min.) In October 2017, contemporary witness Elsie Slonim read from her book „Vom Brot im Meer“ in the Brunnenpassage. The film relates the story of this impressive witness who in 2017, had celebrated her hundreth birthday. The camera team chronicled her story from the reign of Emperor Franz Josef, the Holocaust to the restricted zone of Cyprus. A film about 100 years of Austrian, European and contemporary global history.

Lecture and Workshop: „Arts, Rights & Justice in Austria“, March 7, 2018, Brunnenpassage, Lillian Fellmann, Chair of Arts Rights Justice EU working group, lent a first glance at the international level of their work. Fellmann reported to this year’s workshop on the current focus of the working group and the

Safe Havens Conference in Malmö, December 2017, The workshop offered further education and reports on the current situation for interested persons in Austria and set forth an impulse for the monitoring of human rights infringements on a  national level. An open networking meeting for all those concerned was held afterwards.

Reading by Zohir Abu Saad, January 27, 2018, Brunnenpassage, Zohir Abu Saad was born in Syria in 1987 into a family which held education and science in high esteem. He completed his studies in literature at the University of Damascus with honors. During the grave unrest in Syria, he was persecuted because of his writing and imprisoned twice for a total of one year and eight months.  Since his flight he has been living in Vienna for one and a half years and has begun writing again, publishing 11 novels in 2017 in which he describes the hard realities of the Arab world and especially in Syria. The reading was accompanied by live music and was held in Arabic and German with live musical accompaniment.

Film screening: „The Congo Tribunal“, December 8, 2017, Brunnenpassage, during „this human world“ – International Human Rights Film Festival, 2017, The Congo Tribunal (Milo Rau, Documentary CH I DE 2017, 100 min.), Swiss film maker, Milo Rau set up a tribunal in the East Congo. On trial is the UN, a mining conglomerate and local government officials. The proceedings take place in front of the camera and make clear the problems of the rampant and unpunished criminality inherent in the Congolese conflict. Afterwards there was a round table discussion.

Further events can be found on the Austrian Commission for UNESCO Website